Take It Playbook

What is the Take It Playbook?

The Take It Playbook or "The Playbook" for short is a free resource for women working to improve their health and fitness. It is tailored to women with an athletic background. 

Through email, Coach Lee shares actionable tips and insights along with inspiring athlete stories and fun workouts to empower women who are ready to make tangible progress in their health and fitness journey. As a coach, she is invested in your success.

Our time is consumed working on coaching clients, serving athletes, creating new programs, etc., but we feel the value we can share through the Playbook is too high not to.

We welcome replies to these emails and would love to connect with you wherever you are on your journey!

Thank you for trusting us to be part of your health and fitness journey. 

Many will want it, but few will Take It. Will you be one of them? Let's go! 

Step 1, get on the list for The Take It Playbook today, you won't regret it.

Don't forget, once you submit the form below, add us to your contact list so they come directly to you!

Behind the Creation of the Take It Playbook

As an online fitness coach, and full-time Doctor of Physical Therapy, time is extremely valuable. We reached a point when the time spent on social media wasn't worth it. We knew we could provide so much more to our followers if we escaped the bounds of Instagram algorithms and time-consuming reels. That is when we decided to create the Take It Playbook.

With the Take It Playbook, we can provide far more value for our followers and create an incredible resource that empowers women to take control of their health and fitness. Reels are entertaining sure, but we found we can share far more knowledge in an email than we can in a reel, and that is where the power comes.

Outside of coaching clients, treating patients, and improving her fitness, Coach Lee spends her time on the Take It Playbook because she truly values the content shared there. It really is a playbook, where you'll receive strategies, insights, tips, workouts, and more, absolutely free.

Sign up today using the form below!

Once again, once you submit the form below, add us to your contact list so they come directly to you!