Mobile Coaching

Concierge Coaching Services for your convenience!

What Is A Mobile Coach?

A mobile coach is a professional who provides concierge coaching services. I come to your home, or another agreed upon location and deliver the desired services.  I bring all the necessary equipment for the respective service, making the process as convenient as possible. Read about our current services below!


Learn to Lift

If you want to grow in strength and confidence, it is time you are properly introduced to the barbell. This piece of equipment can change your life. If you've ever been intimidated by the barbell and associated barbell lifts, its time to change that. In the Learn to Lift program, you'll learn how to perform the squat, deadlift, strict overhead press, push-press, and hang clean. 

The Learn to Lift program includes 3 sessions, where we perform a full body movement assessment, instruction and performance assessment of each lift, and specfic exercises you need to improve your mobility or control in order for better lifting performance. These movements are essential movements you perform daily, and you will learn to utilize them to build upper and lower body strength, power, coordination, and signficiant internal confidence!

Fitness for Resilient Aging (Age 55+)

Unique coaching for older adults designed for participants looking to gain strength, preserve muscle mass, bone health, balance, and cardiovascular fitness. There is no age limit to fitness. Many changes within the body 'due to age' are often due to decreased physical activity and deconditioning. Everyday tasks like going up stairs, lifting a load of laundry or carrying groceries become MAX effort as we age if we don't train for these activities. When we train to meet life's demands, we maintain our ability to live independently for longer. Exercise has also been shown to have positive effects on memory and cognitive function. If you or your loved ones need help getting started, don't wait any longer. The sooner you start the more you gain. 

Running Analysis

Our running analysis is a comprehensive package where you receive a slow motion video analysis and detailed movement assessment with an individualized accessory exercise program specific to you. If you have pain with running, or want to improve your performance, a comprehensive analysis is the way to go. 

NOTE: must have access to a treadmill with space available to record video from the back and side views. We can meet at a gym if needed. (Gym fees will be added to the cost of the service.)

*** Mobile Coaching Services are provided in the Salt Lake County area.

For questions about any of the services listed above, pricing, or availability, please complete the form here.