The Take It Score

The Number 1 Stat for Take It Athletes.

What is the Take It Score?

The Take It Score is a representation of your general fitness based on your performance of 10 different fitness tests. All athletes in a Training Cycle are given their Take It Score in their Athlete Training Summary at the end of each Training Cycle.

We test various components of your fitness including lower body strength (pushing/pulling), upper body strength (pushing/pulling), muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, core endurance, and lower body power.

Each performance test has normative data that we use to interpret your results and allow your score to be classified as poor, below average, average, above average, or excellent. The greater your fitness, the better your results, and the higher your Take It Score will be. 

We've created an algorithm that compares your results with normative data, classifies your results based on that comparison, and then gives you a numerical value that represents your overall performance.

The highest score possible is 500. 

Why Should Athletes Care About Their Take It Score?

The reasoning for the Take It Score goes back to the CrossFit ideology of the "Sickness - Wellness - Fitness Continuum." The greater your fitness is, the more protected from sickness you are. There are various Bio-Markers like blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose levels, etc that can be used to measure your health status along that spectrum. We encourage all adults to get the work-up on these biomarkers annually. The better your bio-markers are, the more fit you are. These can be used to indirectly measure your fitness, but they are more reflective of your overall health.

As great as those biomarkers are, they can be slow to change. When change is slow, it is hard to see progress, and individuals often lose motivation to maintain their efforts. It's really tough if your motivation to get in the gym is "I'm going to go sweat to lower my blood pressure..." No one is going to last long if that's the only reason you're going. 

The Take It Score is unique in that it represents your fitness in a way that is more likely to reflect change and improvement in shorter periods of time. It can take several months for you to notice any change in those biomarkers of health, whereas your Take It Score can improve every 8 weeks based on the training cycle and training experience (beginners will experience larger and faster improvements than advanced athletes).

Seeing improvement consistently over that shorter period of time will keep you motivated and more consistent. Not to mention the mental boost you receive when you feel stronger and more confident along the way!

When you see that score improve and realize you are among the top 25 or even 10 percent of individuals for certain performance tests, you feel like a boss and have the confidence to conquer anything! You get hungry for more, you're motivated to keep getting stronger and more fit. The fact that you feel like an athlete all along the way is the cherry on top.

In the long run, consistency is key to your success in reaching your health and fitness goals. The Take It Score is your number 1 stat to reflect your overall improvement and keep you consistent. You'll know your efforts haven't been wasted, and you'll be unstoppable. No more weight loss rollercoasters. No more diet crashing. No more time wasted on random workouts wondering if they are doing any good.

If you're ready to elevate your training and use The Take It Score to alter your health and fitness journey forever, sign up for the next Training Cycle today!

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions about The Take It Score, or training with us as a Take It Athlete, send us an email or text us!


Text: 801-503-9099


Dr. Annalee Scott

Founder | Doctor of Physical Therapy | Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist | Champion Performance Specialist